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This project builds Eclipse plugins that connect some other Eclipse plugins with their corresponding Maven plugins. If you've gone to a lot of trouble to set up just the Checkstyle, PMD or SpotBugs (or Findbugs) configuration you want in Maven, and you import your Maven projects into Eclipse with m2e, you want to see the same warnings in your Eclipse editors that the maven build will complain of.

At this time, the four plugins supported are Checkstyle, PMD and SpotBugs (and Findbugs).

There is a Google Group to facilitiate communications about the use and development of the plugins: m2e-code-quality Google Group

The current snapshot/qualifier versions are available on the update site, with newer versions replacing older ones.


Apache License 2.0


See Contributors


Via (preferably) Pull Requests or Issues

m2e-code-quality Google Group


This code is a derived work of the code published on Google Code as m2e-extensions, and the source files carry the copyright of their original author, in addition to some contributors' employers (for their modifications).


To install this on Eclipse, use the update-site

To download a (zipped) update site for a released version, go to the releases on github

To install the latest snapshot version built off the latest commit use the snapshot-update-site

Very old historic releases are archived in the older abandoned update site.

As usual on github, you can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone